
Samia Halaby: Centers of Energy, edited by Elliot Josephine Leila Reichert, Rachel Winter, and Samia Halaby, examines formal and thematic relationships across bodies of work by the artist.

As the Ruth Rippon Curator of Ceramics, her duties include research into the collection, acquiring artworks for the Museum’s permanent collection, and organizing contemporary and historic ceramics exhibitions and publications.

Graduating Senior Cheyenne Assil is the UCSB 2023 Library Award Undergraduate Research Second Place Winner in the category of Humanities & Fine Arts.


A view of the History of Art & Architecture's Center for Object Based Research and Learning before the inaugural meeting of ARTHI 186SV: Seminar in Modern Architecture: Bauhaus in California, taught by Professor Volker M. Welter in Fall 2019. Instructors hold courses in COBRAL to teach with objects borrowed from the Art, Design & Architecture Museum and the Architecture and Design Collection for study and facilitating discussion. (image taken 9/30/19)

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